So the big day has arrived when you are ready for the launch of your new WordPress website. All the toiling and hard work you might have put in for planning, designing, coordinating amongst team member, organizing various things and finally completing your finished product, is now set to bear fruit. You and your team have also made preparations for celebration and all the excitement has reached its peak. However, what if you have missed something in all this frenzy?
Well, if such an unfortunate situation really arises, you will kick yourself about your carelessness. All the celebration will have to wait for some more time and you will have to start fixing things that were missed. So, how to avoid such issues?
Prepare a WordPress website launch checklist
Now this has been taught during your school days. Having to-do lists or checklists is extremely necessary. Though this has been told to you repeatedly, you somehow always falter. Understand that even astronauts and pilots have checklists along with other professionals. So why don’t you have one for your website launch too. This checklist may avoid blunders and save grace for you on the launch day.
Elements of your checklists
This is the foremost aspect that you need to do. Creating a backup for your WordPress site is extremely important. There are various plugins available for this. Ensure that they are installed so that you are prepared if something or the other goes wrong.
Also Read: How Much Does a WordPress Website Really Costs?
Check issues with content
Chances are high that you forget to remove “Ipsum” content. Proofreading the content for errors is important before your site goes live. Check all videos, images and formatting to ensure all you content is correctly in place. 404 or 301 issues need to be sorted out beforehand.
Is the design right?
There can be some minor issues in your WordPress web development and design. Issues such as browser compatibility need to be checked before you go live. Check your logo and Favicons too. Most importantly, check if your site is optimized properly and is also responsive.
Check email set up
This is the most common mistake that people do. Your email set up needs to work perfectly. Sending or receiving emails should be perfect. Chances are that some email notifications work correctly while others may not. Fix these before you go live.
Are your forms working properly?
Also Read: Top 9 Secrets about WordPress
Only setting up emails is not enough. Subscription forms, contact forms or forms for suggestions or comments need to work perfectly. Test these forms with your emails and remove any kind of error if present. You definitely don’t intend to frustrate your visitors with wrongly working forms, do you?
Check performance
Once all the above aspects have been checked, the final check is related to your site’s performance. Check your site’s speed to ensure that it loads quickly. People do not like sites that take time to load. Various tools are available to check speed of your site. So use them to your benefit.
All the above points need to be included in your WordPress website launch checklist and form an important part of your WordPress web development endeavor if you expect an error free site launch. Additional aspects such as installing Google Analytics are also part of this checklist.
Remember that checklists may vary according to the nature of your site. For information based sites, the requirements may be different from those of product based or e-commerce websites. The above list can form a base to draft your own checklist according to your needs. So don’t forget to get your checklist done in advance and enjoy a hassle free launch.
Here at Satvik Infotech, our highly qualifies WordPress developers keep these above points in mind while launching a website for our client. If you want to
hire the best WordPress web development company to ensure a hassle-free launch of your website, then contact us today.